Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Remove Reflexive Matches in Batch Match

As part of batch matching, there is no concept of driver vs. candidates. Due to this reflexive matches are identified through batch matching and the number of duplicated identified is much greater than the actual number. (ex: Record 1 is identified as a duplicate of Record 2 and vice versa). This can increase the time to resolve duplicates and hold up key activities, especially during conversion.

Purpose: Configuring OEDQ to remove reflexive batch matches. This will reduce the amount of duplicates identified during the batch match process and make the job for the data steward easier.

Components Needed:
- CDS Batch Matching Services

1. Navigate to the CDS-Individual Match -Batch process
2. Remove the "Generate Reverse Relationships for Driver-Driver matches & Ensure Driver on LHS of Candidate-Driver matches" group
3. Add a Merge Attributes processor and connect it
4. Configure the Merge Attributes process to merge the individual id with the related id
5. Repeat steps 1-4 for CDS-Entity Match -Batch process

Things to consider:
1. This configuration needs to be thoroughly tested to ensure that the correct candidates are returned and the process does not break.

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