Monday, April 8, 2013

Publish Processor Results into Custom Log

Purpose: Configuring OEDQ to publish results to an external source which will act as a log. This will allow the user to view the results of a process without taking it down. Innately, OEDQ does not create/store any logs that document results.

Components Needed:
- Database table reserved for logging
- Purge mechanism for database table reserved for logging

1. Add new data store to database table reserved for logging
2. Add an additional writer processor
3. Configure writer to write to database table reserved for logging

Things to consider:
1. Add an additional Date/Time processor to record a timestamp. This will help you index and catalog the log
2. In the case of transformations or standardizations to data, be sure to add the original values to track the changed made by OEDQ
3. Setup a purge on the database table reserved for logging to prevent this log from growing to large. These custom made logs can grow very quick and take up much more space than traditional logging.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I have a requirement where we need to purge a process after execution. How can I achieve this? Is there a command I can call to achieve this?
